naisA Global ABCs
(Assessment of Business Communication Skills)

How good are your professional communication skills?

Participate in naisA Global’s communication skills assessment for free!

Great Communication is Our Foundation

We believe that effective communication is key to any professional career. naisA Global’s online communication-training program is designed to give our members a solid base of well-honed communication abilities that they can use in the workplace. Written and verbal communication skills are important for career growth, and are essential for those of us with ambitions to lead.

Build Yourself to Lead

Participate in naisA Global’s communication skills assessment for free!

The naisA Global Effective Communications Training Program

Our training immerses you and other international members in a comprehensive, multicultural, and effective business communications program.

The program is designed to sharpen your communication skills within the context of topical issues and situations. This includes:


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naisA Global is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization dedicated to helping talented young Asian professionals unlock their potential and become great leaders. Copyright © 2018 naisA Global All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without express consent of naisA Global. Privacy Notice
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