For colleges, universities and other educational organizations that wish to provide donations in multiple forms, including grants and fellowship funding related to the advancement of emerging young Asian leaders and diversity in the workplace. By sponsoring, your institution showcases a commitment to empowering young Asian leaders and promoting diversity in the workplace. As an Educational Partner of naisA Global you will be exposed to a network of bright, talented young Asian professionals and graduate students around the world.
naisA Global is committed to funding the naisA Global Young Scholars Program in 2017. This fellowship is dedicated to discovering and nurturing the very brightest of Asian/Asian American graduate students and young professionals through a 12 week fellowship in Washington, D.C. As a sponsor, we can build a program of international standing and reputation. This program represents the very heart ofthe mission of naisA Global and empowers young Asian talent to realize their leadership potential and become great global leaders.
naisA Global holds events throughout the year for our members, mentors, and the community-at-large. We welcome sponsors who want to utilize their marketing budgets to reach this niche demographic. Starting 2016, we have our annual naisA Global Leadership Awards Gala. Please contact us on how to be a co-presenter of this annual event.