1) You can donate directly by debit or credit card by filling out the form.
2) If making a donation by check, please make payable to: Institute of Asian Scholars dba naisA Global Inc. and mail to:
naisA Global C/O Institute of Asian Scholars
PO Box 7441
Washington DC 20044
3) To discuss how you can make an alternative contribution to our organization, please email info@naisaglobal.org or call us at 202-349-2525.
4) For details on how you or your company can sponsor naisA Global, please visit the Sponsorship section.
Our team are reminded each and every day about the unlimited potential of the next generation of Asians, and we are committed to unlocking this potential. Ultimately, we rely on donations and corporate sponsorships that help accomplish this important mission. To that end, we have just launched naisA Global 250 Campaign which is seeking to secure 250 individual donors who will donate $250 (or any amount you are comfortable with). Our 2017 goal is to reach 1,000 mentors and 5,000 protégés in order to make a larger impact on our community and beyond. We would be very grateful for your support of naisA Global’s important mission.
Please consider making a financial contribution to naisA Global and email us at angela@naisaglobal.org for invoice.