Blog – 07

JAN 19 Asia Leads the Line as International Students but Still Lacks Leaders The United States has been the great global hub of Higher Education. Recent Federal data sources released by US Immigration and Customs show that approximately one million international students are attending American schools and up to three quarters of the students are […]

Blog – 06

APR 25 naisA Global young professionals, are you ready to take the lead? There is a problem in South Asia. While the numbers of female undergraduates in the region are increasing, at the higher levels of academia gender inequality still remains. This inequality damages all professional sectors in all countries; and while no country can […]

Blog – 05

SEP 20 The Great Challenge of Mentorship and Its Reward The concept of mentoring is certainly not new. In fact, it has been a common practice through many ages – we even get the name “Mentor” from Greek mythology. It is interesting to think with its rich history, when one decides to become a mentor […]

Blog – 04

JAN 03 The Common Traits of Global Business Leaders We know the different management styles that exist in both the United States and Asia. The individualistic outlook in the US to a more hierarchical society in Asia. But what are common traits that leaders exhibit, no matter where they come from? At naisA Global, our […]

Blog – 03

APR 18 How Visible Are You in the Workplace? I attended an NAAAP (National Association of Asian American Professionals) ‘webinar’ entitled: “Idea Storytelling: #1 Most Powerful Way to Get Promoted”, and it brought up a lot of topics that, I think, are very relevant for young Asian professionals. I’ll do my best to recap the […]

Blog – 02

JUL 25 Why Confidence is Key to Leadership When people consider what it takes to become a successful person, the first thing that comes to mind is confidence. After all, a person who believes in themselves is capable of jumping into projects, taking calculated risks, and most importantly, inspiring others to follow them. For as […]

Do We Need More Feminine Style Leadership?

OUT 10 Do We Need More Feminine Style Leadership? Asian Americans make up around 5% of the U.S. population. Yet the number of Asian Americans in leadership positions is very low—comprising just 2% percent of college presidents, less than 1% of board members, and only around 0.3% of corporate officers. Stereotypically, Asians are considered hard-working […]


Blog OUT 17 WHY WE’RE LACKING ASIAN AMERICAN LEADERSHIP AND WHY WE SHOULD CARE Despite comprising 50% of the workforce in Silicon Valley, less than 2% of managers and executives are Asian. Furthermore, Asian Americans are the least likely racial group to ascend into managerial and executive positions.  This obstacle to success compounds institutional bias […]

Why It’s Harder for Asians to Succeed in the Workplace

OUT 17 Why It’s Harder for Asians to Succeed in the Workplace What are feminine leadership qualities in the workplace? But no—that does not mean just women in leadership positions. Feminine leadership is a specific style of leading that differs from the most common style of leadership. In other words, it does not embody masculine […]


MAR 15 THE IMPORTANCE OF MENTORSHIP To be successful in any field, aspiring leaders require role models and guidance. Strong leadership skills are often attributed to strong mentors; leaders who help show others how to lead. Junior executives and young professionals can typically undervalue the important role of a mentor in their careers, but leadership […]