Featured Mentors

Mr. Goldberg is a Partner at PwC since 1989, seconded to Seoul in May of 2009 to June 2016 and is now the Deputy Assurance Leader- Global for Samil PwC. He is responsible for delivering high quality, and at times highly complex, audits and business advice to clients across many industries. In this career, he has managed diverse teams, for clients from start-ups to Fortune 100 organizations. He has extensive experience with SEC registrants and companies with global operations. Mr.Goldberg has assisted clients in numerous private and public capital raising activities, was the principle author of PwC’s Roadmap for an IPO: A Guide to Going Public, and has provided expert witness testimony on matters related to mergers and acquisitions. His responsibilities have also included being the market industry leader for Technology clients (1995-2002) and as a Risk Management Partner (2002 to present). He has been a team captain for numerous PwC -US internal quality reviews, PwC Global quality reviews and peer reviews of other Big 4 accounting firms. In May 2009 he moved to Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers and is the Deputy Assurance Leader-Global. In addition to being part of the quality team at Samil PwC, Mr.Goldberg is the Global Relationship Partner for a global consumer electronics company. He also serves as a key member of the team that connects Samil PwC with the rest of the PwC network.

1. How would you define a good leader?

A good leader can motivate and persuade people after having gather points of view to clarify his or her vision. A good leader always makes the time to care for people.

2. Have you had any mentors in your life? If so, what impact did they have on your personal and professional development?

Throughout my careers I have had many mentors. Different people at different points in my career. You learn things from everyone. Look at the people who are going great work. Find the one thing they are really good at and blend it into your own personality. It makes you a better performer.

3. What does being part of the naisA Global mentoring program mean to you?

Helping someone succeed is the best reward, Having lived in Korea for 7 years I have seen shy men and woman open up and flower as they realize that it is ok to speak up, voice an opinion based on reason and not just seniority. Culture is important, but not allowing a mistake to occur is more important.

4. What advice would you give your 20 year old self?

Find balance before leaving a job. Never leave on a high and never leave on a low. You are not as good as you think you are and never as bad as people are telling you.

5. How do you de-stress?

Relax at the beach, laugh, read and cook with friends.

6. What college course do you regret not taking as a student?

Wish I had taken a class that Jamie Sheen was teaching.

7. What has been your proudest achievement in your career? Why?

The proudest moment in my career is when people I have mentored along the way get admitted into the Partnership at my firm. The hours and efforts are rewarded in a single moment.

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