Featured Mentors

Kenneth Kamppila is a Business Management Analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton. He provides governance for maintaining firm records to reduce risk by ensuring compliance with legal, regulatory, and best business practice in regards to retention of firm information. He is also an advisor to Booz Allen’s Asian Pacific American Forum (APAF) Coordinating Council.

1. How would you define a good leader?

A leader is one who accomplishes the mission with the willing assistance of subordinates.

2. What does naisA Global do for leaders?

As a naisA mentor, I am inspired and motivated to bring out the best in young professionals. I enjoy seeing young people gain confidence by realizing their potential.

3. What do you want to achieve as a leader?

I want to help protégés become confident and successful and then watch them pass it on to the next generation.

4. Who is or would be a good minority role model?

A good role model is one who can communicate well, has confidence in him/her self and instills confidence in the protégé, has respect for others, and is knowledgeable in the subject area. A role model is someone you want to emulate.

5. What is some advice you would tell your past self?

Network, network, network. It is so important to have a strong network. You learn so much from others, and it’s not just about learning technical stuff, it’s also learning about people. Networking builds good communication skills and forms strong bonds.

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