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Helena Abidin absolutely believes that Personal Branding is an important strategy to succeed. As a certified Personal Branding Strategist, she dedicates her heart, talent, and energy to work with entrepreneurs and corporate executives to discover the essence of their brand through creative workshops and speaking forums. Helena Abidin is currently the Marketing Director of a European luxury automobile brand in Indonesia. Helena Abidin is also the co-author of National Best Selling motivational book: ANGEL & DEMON: 30 Kisah Inspiratif Sang Pemenang, a celebration of her passion, in addition to painting. Her commitment to make an impactful change to the society is channeled through her work as the Ambassador of Women Build, a project of Habitat for Humanity Indonesia.

1. What qualities make a good leader?

Qualities of a good leader are: A role model that strives to make positive changes to others inside and outside the organization, a mentor that coaches, guides and provides opportunities to employees to grow even stronger and better than himself/herself, and using intuition to build connection with the younger generation in the workforce to inspire innovation.

2. What have been some unexpected challenges you have encountered on your path to leadership? How did you overcome them?

Working in a multinational company we are facing the situation where top leadership keep changing over certain period of time. As the only local leader in the board of directors who stay in the company longer than the others, I have no choice but to be the face of the company at the same time. Having a solid reputation, commitment to deliver the best and trust are the important values that I consistently build to become a leader and the face of the organization as well as an individual.

3. You are an expert in the field of personal branding. How do you define personal branding?

Personal branding for me is a platform for every individual to express their authentic identity and vision with a purpose to inspire and to create positive changes to the society—a platform to build a legacy. I am not behind the using of the term for self-promotion.

4. What are three characteristics that a young professional needs to be successful in the workplace?

Innovation, responsibility, trust.

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